Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Review Blog (The Civil War and Changes in Post Cold War America)

The Civil War 
Question: In what ways did African Americans shape the course and consequences of the Civil War? Confine your answer from 1861 to 1870. 

As the Civil War began in 1861, there were many political reasons for which it began as well as the effects that were seen affected by the institution of slavery itself. Although it is widely taught that President Lincoln and the North immersed themselves in the fight for freedom, this was not entirely true.The North fought to preserve the Union and their values, while the south fought to preserve their southern values and their inalienable state rights. However, the corroboration of African Americans throughout the Civil War led to the significant alteration of the goals of the war, and later to the contribution of the new politics that followed post war.
From Source A, we see the question stated by Major Butler, "are they free?", referring to the fugitive slaves. and if so, "what do I do with them?". At the beginning of the war, when slavery was not the main point, many individuals asked the same question as Butler. Many people also adopted slaves as servants, cooks and soldiers. As the Union began to realize the usefulness of the slaves, the course of the war began to shift. The heart and the dedication of the African Americans who refused to "leave this land" in favor of heeding "the call to our suffering country", the North began to make abolition the primary goal of the war (Source B). By thrusting themselves in the war effort, African Americans changed the course of the war based upon political disagreements and state power into a wart to "terminate and forever prohibit" slavery (Source D)
This change was apparent when Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation. While this declaration only freed slaves in the areas of rebellion, it exhibited the change in purpose, and showed a moral side to the war that had not been shown before.Whereas Lincoln had taken a stance of neutrality, ("If I could end this war by freeing the slaves I would") the eagerness of African Americans to "stake their lives for us" ultimately persuaded him to make them a promise of freedom (Doc C). Furthermore, the willing participation and cooperation of the African Americans in the Civil War alongside the hopes of gaining their liberties caused a completely new course for the Union to follow. 
The outcome of the Civil War differed from what had been previously expected. What had once been focused upon the reformation of the U.S. and the institution of slavery in he new territories, now shone the light on the appeasement of the South. From the Republican Party of 1864, the creation of the 13th Amendment was necessary. Had African Americans not pushed as hard as they did, this would not have been so. The eventual creation and addition of the 14th and 15th Amendments which granted the voting rights and citizenship of African Americans only increased the aggravation of the South (Source H). The government was forced to focus the majority of LBJ's presidency on Reconstruction. African Americans were also supporters of Reconstruction, as shown by their involvement in the constitutional conventions (Doc J). Although grandfather causes and poll taxes eventually curtailed this involvement, African Americans were able to gain full citizenship and suffrage. Such feats would have been near impossible had they not become part of the war.\
African American involvement during the Civil War aided in changing the focus onto freedom which led to political change as the war drew to a close. Without this, America would not be the image of inalienable rights granted to the U.S. by the U.S. Constitution.

Key Terms
freedmen- former slaves who helped other slaves become free
Ku Klux Klan- white supremacist group
Copperheads- group of democrats who wanted peace with the confederates
fugitive slaves- wanted slaves


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